August Matthias started as Professor of RNA Biology at the University of Manchester. The Soller lab has moved to the University of Manchester.
July Karthik's paper identifying sex-peptide target neurons in the brain is published in eLife. Davids second paper showing rapid evolution in promoters of piRNA factor genes is published. April Big chance: The Soller lab will move to the University of Manchester in August.
March Matthias speaks at HHMI Janelia Farm about Karthik's work identifying sex-peptide target neurons in the brain
January Pinar's paper showing showing alternative splicing changes upon learning in Down Syndrome Cell Adhesion molecule is published.
November BBSRC grant award: Neuroconnectomics of sex-peptide target neurons Two new papers from the lab published on BioRxiv. Matthias speaks at the University of Manchester.
July Matthias speaks at the Caparica splicing meeting in Lisbon, Pt. June Matthias speaks at the RNA society meeting in Singapore.
May Davids first paper is published about an unexpected role of indels in promoter evolution of nuclear pore protein genes.
March Our review about CMTrs and methylation of cap-adjacent nucleotides is published in BioEssays.
January David talks at Splicing UK 2023 and gets prize for best talk.
December Matthias speaks at Newcastle University.
November BBSRC grant award: CMTrs and methylation of cap-adjacent nucleotides.
October Our paper about CMTrs and methylation of cap-adjacent nucleotides is published in RNA. Matthias talks at the Insect Reproductive Molecules meeting in Jerusalem, Il. Matthias speaks at Norwich RNA Club.
September Matthias talks at Barts Cancer Centre, Queen Mary University London.
June Matthias speaks at the FEBS methylation meeting in Catania, It. David speaks at the BCGB symposium: Prize for best talk. Tom gets 2nd prize for best poster.
March Our paper about CMTrs and methylation of cap-adjacent nucleotides is published in Nature Communications.
January First meeting after the pandemic: RNA UK 2022 going ahead in person January 28.-30. 2022 in Windermere. Thanks to Pawel Grzechnik, Roland Arnold and Irmgard Haussmann for helping to organise. Pinar and Matthias give talks.
October Pinar's paper published in Communications Biology. Karthik's first first author paper published in BMC Biology accompanied by a press release. Finally, students are back with Anna Lassota joining us as technician together with MSc Roisin McVay and UG Drake Merrick. PhD student Yuan Tian finally got her ATAS and will join us soon.
September Together with Pawel Grzechnik, Roland Arnold and Irmgard Haussmann, Matthias started to organise RNA UK 2022 going ahead in person January 28.-30. 2022 in Windermere.
August Three paper revisions submitted before holidays.
July Matthias speaks at the Caparica splicing meeting - again virtual.
June Paper from collaboration with the Roignant group on the m6A methylosome component Hakai published in Nature Communications.
April Collaborator Ben Czech publishes paper in elife on Nup54's role in piRNA mediated transposon silencing.
March Now the whole lab is busy revising three papers.
July Finally, the lab opens at 30% capacity with Pinar joining us. Matthias speaks at the Caparica splicing meeting - virtual.
March Covid19 lockdown - down to keeping flies alive.
February Tom speaks at the Midlands RNA Saloon in Nottingham. David McQuarrie is award a prestigious MRC Impact PhD student ship and joins us this fall to start his PhD. Pinar Ustaoglu joins us for a Postdoc in June.
January Tom is awarded the prestigious prize for best poster at RNA UK 2020. Matthias gives a talk at RNA UK 2020. MIBTP student Maria Rocchi joins the lab for a short project.
December Current Protocols in Molecular Biology invites us to provide a protocol for our new method to manipulate large plasmids using gap-repair recombineering published in Haussmann et al. NAR 2019. Our paper about the impact of neonicotinoids on splicing in bees is published in Scientific Reports. Trends in Biotechnology invites us for a review Matthias becomes Editorial Board Member of famous MCB Matthias opens the first Midlands RNA Salon with his talk.
November BBSRC grant award: Dscam alternative splicing regulation Matthias talks to the Midlands beekeepers about our research on bees. Our paper about the impact of neonicotinoids on splicing in bees is accepted in Scientific Reports. Our paper demonstrating short ORF misimpression and impact on the immune system of long-term chronic low dose Thiamethoxam exposure in bees is published in BioRxiv. Matthias speaks at the MRC London Institute of Medical Sciences, Imperial College, London Matthias gives a talk at Kings College London, London
October Matthias speaks at the CNRS in Gif sur Yvette, Paris, F. Tom speaks in our Cells and Molecules research theme seminar series.
September Matthias gives a talk and Karthik presents a poster at the European Drosophila Research Conference in Lausanne, CH. Tom speaks at the West-Midlands Fly club and the BCGB internal seminar series. July Matthias gives a talk and Tom presents a poster at the Birmingham Centre for Genome Biology Symposium in Birmingham UK Matthias speaks at the West-Midlands Fly meeting, University of Warwick, UK Tom, Daniela, and Dario present posters at West-Midlands Fly meeting, University of Warwick, UK Matthias gives a talk at the 2nd Symposium on Nucleic Acid Modifications, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Is
June Matthias speaks at theUniversity of Geneva, Switzerland
May Matthias gives a talk at the University of Manchester, UK Matthias speaks at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland
March Matthias speaks at the Sloan Kettering Institute, New York, USA Matthias gives a talk at the University of Indianapolis, Indianapolis Matthias speaks at the Gordons Conference RNA editing, Lucca, Italy
January Matthias gives a talk and Tom, Daniela, and Dario present posters at the UK splicing meeting 2019, Lake District